Kasco Abrasives Coldwater, Michigan 1-800-367-7291 or 517-278-2354 Fax 517-279-7265 Contact us: sales@abrasiveproducts.net
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Koltec Backup Pads
Kasco Abrasive manufactures a full range of abrasive cut-off wheels from size 1" to 20" diameter. Listed below are the primary wheel categories. Click on the photo to see a detailed list for that category.
Die grinder wheels sized 2" to 4" diameter
Stationary shop saw blades sized 6" to 10"
Stationary shop saw blades sized 12" to 20"
Table mounted chop saw blades
Portable saw blades
Gas saw blades
Rail cutting blades
Slab and masonry saw wheels
Slice-It cut-off wheels for grinders